Just Start…. Woodworking

It all starts with an idea. Maybe it was on a hike through the woods, or a memory from childhood. During a fitful sleep or watching nature passing the time. Once that idea has formed it’s time to get to work.

My first project was a scrap piece of lumber in my parents garage. I was excited to use a wood burner to make a present for my grandmother. It was rough and I knew so little but it was a piece of art in her eyes.

From that moment on I found any excuse to work with my hands tearing things apart, using a flathead screw driver as a chisel, or smashing things with a hammer to create a shape.

I didn’t understand passion or patience but knew I would always build things with my hands.

Fast forward 30+ years and I have enough knowledge to be dangerous and enough skills to be capable. It doesn’t happen overnight but if I think back it feels like yesterday that I was in that garage making that first piece of art.


What is the best wood for a bowl?