What is the best wood for a bowl?

Wood grain, color, tones and contrasts create variation for wood bowls. The hardness can also be a factor. When deciding on the best wood it’s important to take a few things into account.

Allergies, aesthetics, use, and availability are the factors I would use.

The best thing is to search for local wood species that match your color pallet. Grain, tones, and color fall from reds through dark browns with a variety in between. Once can even find blue tones when the weather is cold and pines fall with the right bacteria present

Size is also a factor to decide on a species as many of our woods are found fallen or after tree work.

Wood can be tricky if you have allergies. Nut woods can give the same reactions to people with allergies.

Most people stick with fruit woods for using to eat as they have the least reactivity.

Today I threw on some headphones and carved spoons and a few bowls out of cherry, oak, rosewood and black walnut.

The dust from black walnut always irritates my eyes even with protection. The results are beautiful but the process is tricky.

Most woods when used for decoration will not cause problems but when used for cooking be aware wood can cause an allergic reaction

If you have a wood species you want to see let me know I can source it locally.


How to make a wooden bowl?


Just Start…. Woodworking